Přerov, Přerov District, Olomouc Region
Monument to the Unity of Brethren
25 April 1554–1749

Overall view of the Monument to the Unity of Brethren in Přerov, from the south.
Photo Z. Schenk, 2016.
The site was discovered in the course of an archaeological excavation in 2012–2013, which confirmed the location of the building of the Unity of Brethren in Přerov. Its existence had long been known from the old vedute of the town although the exact location was subject to debate. The foundations of two buildings were uncovered in the surroundings of Tyrš Bridge, which had previously been hidden below a Sokol gymnasium. The first unearthed foundations were the remains of the substructure of the Brethren congregation (prayer) house; the second building was the Brethren house with a school. Both buildings were divided by a path paved with pebbles. According to written sources, this congregation of the Unity of Brethren was established on 25 April 1554, and in the same year, the construction of the buildings started. In 1614–1618, Jan Amos Komenský (John Amos Comenius), who had previously studied and taught there. During recatholicisation, the buildings were transformed into the Church of St Marcus. The church burnt down twice, and after the fire of 1749, it was not rebuilt again. Today, the modern Monument of the Unity of Brethren is located there. An exhibition was opened in the former building of the school and exhibits texts and drawings of the archaeological finds to the public. The original path between both buildings lets visitors tread the same path as John Amos Comenius and Jan Blahoslav.
References: Lapáček – Mikulík – Schenk 2016; Myslivečková 2018; Schenk – Mikulík 2013.
Navigation point: N 49°27'24.003", E 17°26'58.498" (Monument to the Unity of Brethren).
Map notes: Map symbols are available in the Downloads section.
Selected fulltext articles and reports for further reading. Complete bibliographical records are available in the Downloads section as the List of publications.
Lapáček, J. – Mikulík, J. - Schenk, Z. 2016: Přerov Na Marku, Příběh jednoho místa. Svědectví archeologických pramenů aneb Kudy kráčel Komenský. Přerov.Myslivečková, H. 2018: Památník Jednoty bratrské v Přerově Na Marku. Prezentace mimořádných archeologických nálezů. In: Sborník národního památkového ústavu 2017. Olomouc, 56–66.Schenk, Z. – Mikulík, J. 2013: Přerov – Na Marku. Archeologický odkryv sboru a domu se školou jednoty bratrské, Sborník Státního okresního archivu Přerov, 5–24.