Počaply u Březnice, Příbram dist., Central Bohemian Region
Early Medieval hillfort
(10th–11th cent.)
![Hillfort's frtification, taken from east. Acropolis (left), bank (right) and a gate with parallel wings (in middle).](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/media.archeologicky-atlas.cz/production/image/2015/04/07/12/01/08/731/pocaply_00_jpg.jpg)
Hillfort's frtification, taken from east. Acropolis (left), bank (right) and a gate with parallel wings (in middle).
Photo Z. Kačerová, 2014.
The Early Medieval ‘Šance’ hillfort with a spectacular fortification was founded in the first half of the 10th century as one of the Přemyslids´ footholds for their expansion into south Bohemia. It consists of an acropolis enclosed by a massive inner rampart (still reaching a height of 6 m), an annexe (bailey) on the eastern side and possibly another annexe on the other side. The hillfort may have served the local elite for residential purposes, as a production centre, including iron industry, and a market point.
References: Píč 1909; Dubský 1947; Turek 1965; Lutovský 1999; Lutovský – Stolz 2001.
Navigation points: N 49°32'46.02", E 13°59'12.37" (southeast).
Map notes: A – acropolis; B – possible location of a gate; C – original gate with parallel wings; D – a passage between the acropolis and annexe; E – annexe (bailey); F – low bank of a possible second annexe (bailey); G – a passage. Map symbols are available in the Downloads section.
Selected fulltext articles and reports for further reading. Complete bibliographical records are available in the Downloads section as the List of publications.
Archeologický atlas Čech – Počaply u BřezniceLutovský, M. 1999: Odraz mocenských změn 10. století ve struktuře jihočeských hradišť, Archeologie ve středních Čechách 3/2, 283–291.Lutovský, M. – Stolz, D. 2001: Hradiště „Šance“ u Březnice ve světle nových nálezů, Archeologie ve středních Čechách 5/2, 565–578.