Nymburk, Nymburk dist., Central Bohemian Region
Museum at a prehistoric barrow
(3800–3400 BC)

Construction over the Prehistorical barrow; St Giles church in the background.
Photo Z. Kačerová, 2013.
A unique presentation of a grave chamber at the site of its discovery. The burial of a man in a stone chamber with an internal wooden construction was perhaps once covered by a barrow. Several potsherds date and results of radiocarbon dating make possible to date the monument to the Eneolithic Funnel Beaker culture (3800-3400 BC). Opened directly at the site in 2013, the museum allows visitors to see the uncovered barrow preserved in situ.
References: Motyková 1998, 2013a, 2013b.
Navigation points: N 50°11'11.47", E 15°02'39.00".
Map notes: Map symbols are available in the Downloads section.
Selected fulltext articles and reports for further reading. Complete bibliographical records are available in the Downloads section as the List of publications.
Archeologický atlas Čech – NymburkMotyková, K. 1998: Mohyla z pozdní doby kamenné zůstane v Nymburce zachována, Vlastivědný zpravodaj Polabí 32, 6–26.