Blučina, Brno-Country distr., Southern Moravia Region
Prehistoric hillfort Cezavy
1900–1250 BC

View of the hillfort from the east (the acropolis is defined by a belt of bungalows).
Photo M. Salaš, 2007.
Hillfort, known multi-cultural site with finds from almost twenty Bronze hoards and many human skeletal remains. The first finds were made in the 1920s; after World War II, 18 sessions of systematic excavations followed uncovering settlements of the Únětice, Věteřov and Velatice cultures (Late and Final Bronze Ages). Among the most important was the find of a chieftain’s grave from the Migration Period. Today, two terraces are visible – an outer one with a fortification composed of a moat (8–11 m broad, 2.5 m deep) and the mighty debris of a stone wall.
References: Tihelka 1957; Sklenář – Sklenářová – Slabina 2002; Čižmář 2004; Salaš 2012.
Navigation point: N 49°03'01.87", E 16°37‘56.28“.
Map notes: A–C – terraces. Map symbols are available in the Downloads section.
Selected fulltext articles and reports for further reading. Complete bibliographical records are available in the Downloads section as the List of publications.
Sto zajímavých archeologických lokalit Moravy a Slezska – BlučinaSalaš, M. 1990: Únětická sídlištní jáma s lidskými kosterními pozůstatky na Cezavách u Blučiny, Památky archeologické LXXXI, 275–307.pdfSalaš, M. 2012: Mladobronzová kumulace lidských skeletů na Cezavách u Blučiny (okr. Brno-venkov) a její environmentální kontext, Památky archeologické CIII, 173–231.pdf